There are dishonest and unethical “immigrant consultants” who have victimized the immigrant communities throughout the United States by using false advertising, promising quick-fixes and misrepresenting themselves as authorized and qualified to assist immigrants with their immigration case or concern.
These individuals represent that they have knowledge of United States Immigration Law and that they are qualified to assist with various immigration benefits, temporary or permanent. In reality, they often do harm irreversible damage to their clients.
The immigrant communities should be aware that these immigration consultants are NOT attorneys, nor valid accredited representatives approved by the United States Government through the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) to assist aliens with their immigration issues. Unlike licensed attorneys specializing in Immigration Law, these immigration consultants have not completed extensive education and training, nor have they kept up with the current laws or attended continuing education courses to properly clients in their immigration matters.
Retaining these immigration consultants will endanger an alien’s dream of becoming an immigrant by taking their hard-earned money, leaving behind empty promises and documents that are completed fraudulently. If they do file the immigration paperwork, their lack of training and competence often results in incorrect filings which cause undue delays, unnecessary fees and/or permanent harm that is suffered by their clients.
The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) provides tips on how aliens can better protect themselves:
- Don’t believe it if someone tells you about a secret new immigration law or claims to have connections or special influence with any government office or agency. They are lying to you!
- Don’t pay money to someone to refer you to an immigration lawyer.
- If someone claims to be an immigration lawyer, ask to see their credentials. If you still have questions call the Bar association in your state to verify the person claiming to be an attorney actually is an attorney.
- NEVER sign an application that contains false information, and do not EVER sign blank forms. There is no excuse to have to sign a blank form. When you do sign completed paperwork, always request copies of anything that you have signed or that is being filed in your behalf.
- Always get proof that your papers have been filed. Ask for a government filing receipt whenever anything is submitted in your case.
- Insist on a written contract that spells out all fees and expenses and make sure you receive a receipt whether you pay by credit card, check or cash.
- Don’t ever let anyone “find” you a sponsor or spouse to get you a green card because it is illegal. If you do this and it is discovered (and it likely will be) it may jeopardize your application.
Attorney Shawn Mesa and his staff are here to help you with your immigration matters. Call our office today at 813-679-5780 to schedule a consultation. Don’t jeopardize your chances of becoming a United States citizen by hiring someone who is not experienced or does not have the credentials to help you.
Remember, if it sounds too good to be true – it probably is. There are no shortcuts.
Let us help you! Call our office today – 813-679-5780.